Did you ever wonder if Meditation is for you, or did you try to meditate but somehow it did not work? Read on, I share with you my #1 self-care secret and a great tool to de-stress body and mind. You can practice anywhere, anytime, over and over again.
With a little practice, it is possible to get (back) in touch with your inner self and tap into flow as well as true peace of mind.
Meditation set-up:
1. Find a quiet place to relax, a quiet seat, a couch, an armchair, a mat or your bed.
2. Check your surroundings, a comfortable temperature is helpful.
3. Eliminate all possible disruptive factors, a quiet place works best.
4. A sip of water helps against thirst and provides more flow.
5. Turn off your cell phone (unless you have saved your meditation there).
6. Lie down or sit down and start relaxing.
7. Perceive your body feeling, loosen everything that restricts.
... and off you go
... If you fall asleep while meditating. Your subconscious mind "continues to meditate"!
... If your mind wanders, as soon as you notice, just turn back to meditation.
... If you are interrupted. Sometimes it is just the wrong time, try later.
... If it doesn't work right away. Practice, do not get discouraged!
... If you haven't found the perfect ambience yet, gradually set up a meditation corner.
1. Mental Carrousel
Circling around one single thought forever, who doesn't know that? Keeping a thought journal can immediately help to relax. Your "important" thought is in a safe place, it will not be forgotten. Coming back at a later time, with a fresh mind can separate the important from the unimportant and thus help to let go of stressful thought patterns.
2. Self-healing powers
Start dreaming! Inner image journeys can evoke healing visions, since the body cannot distinguish between truth and vision, it tries to transform vision into reality.
3. Mini-Vacation
Pause for a moment. Resting or just being, unfortunately happens by far not enough in our hectic times, but these short breaks are like a source of strength for body, mind and soul.
4. Stress Reduction
Many researchers now agree that stress is the main cause of illness and pain and is actually nothing more than chaos in the body. Meditations can go a long way in restoring order.
Try the Mini de-stress meditation below.
5. Self-help
Just the thought of being able to support my therapies with meditations, while cancering, helped me a lot. I was able to focus on healing and not bathing myself in self-pity and dark thoughts.
6. Anxiety-reduktion
Anxiety can be a very debilitating feeling. In such moments, it is of great advantage to direct one's thoughts for a moment to other topics by following a meditation or bi-neural sounds.
7. Self-discovery
With a little practice, it is possible to get (back) in touch with yourself and tap into the flow. There are real treasures hidden in everybody, that meditations can bring to light.
(Thich Nhat Hanh)
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